Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Individual Design Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Individual Design Report - Assignment Example Pumping fresh water out causes the increase in the degree of salt water intrusion, hence a sustainable and practical method of fresh water extraction mechanism must prevent the furtherance of such phenomenon. This design is a practical application of the mechanisms design by Dr. Bhattacharya and Dr. Basack where, a practical design for groundwater extraction was created specifically for arid regions using qanats that aims to, aside from extracting fresh water from aquifers, would create least, if not negligible, damage to the natural underground water system. Solution Both proponents of the theory based their mathematical equation to the equilibrium between saline water and that of the fresh water in the aquifers, where an interface can be calculated using the Ghyben-Herzberg relationship with the assumption of (1) homogenousity; (2) separation by a sharp interface; and (3) absence of mixing zone. Aside from using the equation and the assumption above, it is important to consider the theory of up-coning where the interface (where salt water and fresh water meets) lowers due to the extraction of fresh water (which is less dense than salt water). As the pressure above is considerably reduced, the shape of the rise of the saline water is conical and once the conical mound has been reached, the saline water mixes with the fresh. Given this scenario, it is vital that we determine the height of the cone created and from there, we can establish the amount of water to be extracted at a certain amount of time before fresh water is replenished in order to a avoid salt water intrusion. Recommendations (development and testing) Determination of the number of qanats to be used and the stratification of the bed rock present and the soil decomposition should be a preliminary resort before the implementation of the project. List of Contents Introduction Background Detail The water crisis is a looming peril that not only the third world country will have to face, but is becomin g a worldwide phenomenon at that. Water crises such as shortages and the lack of access to potable water resource suggest lack of governance and an overall mismanagement of use. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, the huge bulk of those affected by the water crises are the residents of poor countries who are gulled by the total lack of accessible water as well as the presence of water-borne disease. These are the places that suffer shortages due to the topography and the natural features of the place where it can easily be infiltrated with wastes. Even if the water crisis is the symptom of another problem, it should be given top priority. A proposal for immediate resolution is the development of sustainable water extraction facilities, especially in aquifers proximate to salt water sources such as the sea. Why the design was undertaken The main objectives for the development of a reliable water extraction system aside from effectively drawing out water from an underground sourc e is the removal of the contaminants and prevention of salt water intrusion deeper into the fresh water aquifer. There are also other important aspects such as remedial operations. Under a remedial system, it is to be kept in mind that the levels of contaminants present in an aquifer should be reduced otherwise removed. Based on the different objectives of

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